
Innolabel organizes ‘Medical Cold Chain Congress’ at UZA

Innolabel organiseert ‘Medical Cold Chain Congress’ in het UZA

Antwerp, March 26, 2025 – Innolabel, a specialist in innovative solutions for measuring and controlling cold chains, is organizing the Medical Cold Chain Congress at the Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen (UZA) on Tuesday, March 26.

During the conference, several prominent speakers from the healthcare sector will share their expertise and practical experience. They will highlight how Innolabel’s solutions are used to monitor temperature-sensitive products and environments safely and effectively.

A half-day full of knowledge and networking opportunities

The congress is aimed at hospitals, laboratories and residential care centers. In addition to inspiring presentations, there is a foyer where several companies will present their latest products and services for the healthcare sector.

The event concludes with a walking lunch during the final hour, a perfect opportunity to network with colleagues and industry experts.

Sign up and more information

Interested parties are cordially invited to attend the Medical Cold Chain Congress free of charge. Interested parties can register for free using the button below.

● March 26, 2025
● 9:00 – 14:00
● Drie Eikenstraat 655, 2650 Edegem
● Free registration
● Lunch & coffee break included


Zin om meer te leren over de laatste innovaties rond temperatuurcontrole in de zorgsector?

Schrijf je dan nu in voor het gratis congres op 26 maart 2025, van 9u – 14u in het UZA.